Category: ABFA DIV TWO

ABFA Transfer window is now OPEN

According to the rules and regulations governing the ABFA leagues for the 2023/24 season, the transfer window, which allows clubs to add to their roster, whether it be domestic or international players, is open as of January 1st 2024 and closes at midnight on January 31st 2024.

The premier league competition, started one the 25th of November 2023, saw the exclusion of Tryum FC from the league. Although still appearing on the fixture, Tryum FC are yet to feature in the top flight this season.

The exclusion of Tryum (PREMIER LEAGUE)and Cedar Grove Blue Jays (FIRST DIVISION), up to this day, remains a mystery, leaving it up to speculations and questions unanswered regarding the teams. The non-participation of both clubs left a host of players without a club to call their home for the season, until now.

The window will allow those players to find clubs and allow “unhappy” players to find “greener pastures” or more frequent playing time. What ever the reason maybe for a move, rest assured that transfers will be made, the office of the FA will be buzzing and teller lines long with persons waiting to pay transfer fees.

Transfers are to be sent via the FIFA Connect system, from club to club, then accompanied by a physical transfer form, signed by the player in question along with a bank receipt of the correct amount for the desired transfer.

NO transfer will or shall be complete without the signed form from the player and bank receipt.